2010. 8. 2. 20:52
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People�s Liberation Army promotes Mao�s grandson to general

epa02270739 A photo dated 07 January 2005 of Mao Xinyu, the only grandson of Mao Zedong, signing a book on his grandfather during a visit to a military academy in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi province. China�s People�s Liberation Army (PLA) has promoted the grandson of Mao Zedong to become its youngest serving general at 40 years old, state media said on 02 August 2010. Mao Xinyu was given his new rank as the PLA announced dozens of promotions in the run-up to Sunday�s 83rd anniversary of the army�s founding, the semi-official China News Service said. EPA/BH RUAN < 뉴스의 새 시대, 연합뉴스 Live >< 모바일 애플리케이션 >< 포토 매거진 >< 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >

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