Lotte’s Greencar sees surge in customers aged 30 and over

2024. 3. 5. 11:36
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[Courtesy of Greencar]
Lotte Rental Co.‘s car-sharing service, Greencar, saw a notable shift in its clientele demographics in 2023, with a significant surge in users aged 30 and above. As the service matures, it has successfully broadened its customer base beyond its initial stronghold among those in their 20s.

The company said on Tuesday that there was a substantial increase in Greencar members aged over 30, with the demographic’s share increasing to 32 percent in 2023 from the previous year’s 28 percent. This is the first time that those aged 30 and over topped 30 percent.

The influx of new customers aged 30 and above increased 14 percent year-on-year, and the annual rental volume per individual in the age group also increased from 4.5 to 5.

Greencar members drove a total of 24 million rental hours and covered approximately 230 million kilometers. This is equivalent to driving 5,793 times around the world, or 15 times a day for a year, in a Greencar.

The member who used the service the most in 2023 rented a car 491 times, the member renting a car for the longest period rented it for a total of 6,900 hours, and the member with the highest income paid 20 million won ($15,000). The most popular vehicle was Hyundai Motor Co.‘s All New Avante, which recorded 423,000 rentals.

“The rapid growth of customers over the age of 30 means that car-sharing services have been in use in Korea for more than 10 years and are being used by all age groups as a daily means of transportation,” the company said.

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