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epa03924652 Greenpeace activists protest in front of the Vienna Konzerthaus, before the start of the Gazprom sponsored concert of the Orchestra and Choir of the Mariinski Theatre of St. Petersburg, in Vienna, Austria, 25 October 2013. Greenpeace Highlights Gazprom (one of the sponsors of the Orchestra and Choir of the Mariinski Theatre of St. Petersburg event) and it's oil drilling plans in the sensitive ecosystem around the North Pole. While Gazprom is trying to line up investors for its drilling activities and expands its sports and cultural event sponsoring, 28 arctic activists, a freelance photographer and a freelance videographer are still detained in Russia. Greenpeace is calling for an immediate release of the Arctic 30 and the stop of oil drilling operations in the Arctic. EPA/GEORG MAYER / GREENPEACE HANDOUT .IMAGE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD BY EXTERNAL MEDIA FOR 14 DAYS AFTER RELEASE. TERMS OF DELIVERY: NO THIRD PARTIES, NO RESALE, NO ARCHIVE, FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. CREDIT-LINE COMPULSORY HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY
☞ 군·경, 독도방어훈련 실시…UDT병력 이례적 독도상륙(종합) ☞ 한채영, KBS '예쁜 남자'로 안방극장 복귀 ☞ 합참차장 김현집, 수방사령관 김용현…軍인사(1보) ☞ '괴물 투수' 류현진 29일 금의환향…11월2일 기자회견 ☞ 합참차장 김현집, 수방사령관 김용현…軍인사(종합) ▶연합뉴스앱
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