Minister Yoon Jin-sook Calls Greenpeace Korea a Problem
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Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Yoon Jin-sook said, "There is a problem with Greenpeace Korea," when the international environmental group Greenpeace demanded that the government withdraw a bill to promote activities in the polar region, which include articles on developing polar resources.
On July 3, Yoon met with reporters and said, "The United States construct [polar] research centers resembling a large city [allowing them to conduct various studies], but our research institutes are small." In Antarctica, South Korea currently operates the King Sejong Station and will open the Jangbogo Station next year.
Earlier on July 2, Greenpeace along with the Antarctica and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) and the Korean Federation for Environmental Movement delivered a statement to the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the foreign ministry asking the government to withdraw a bill promoting polar activities, currently pending at the National Assembly. Greenpeace claims that the bill, which stipulates the development of the polar region, violates the Antarctic Treaty, which allows only the protection and peaceful use of Antarctica.
The general provision of the bill defines polar activities as "all economic and non-economic activities targeting the polar region including surveys and research of the polar environment and polar resources and the development of polar resources." However, the Antarctic Treaty only allows scientific research for peaceful purposes and does not permit economic activities or the development of resources. Thus countries which have ratified the Antarctic Treaty do not use the word "development" when drawing up related legislation.
Yoon said, "Our research is not centered on development. We will research climate change, problems which the whole earth is facing, and life in the polar region. Then we will study to see if there is anything we can use as a resource." She said, "They shouldn't keep doing this [when we say that we will engage in development]."
Some speculate that Yoon's criticism of Greenpeace was triggered by an uncomfortable relationship the organization has had with the fisheries ministry. Recently, Greenpeace reported the South Korean deep-sea fishing industry for illegal operations (IUU). In April, the ministry announced penalties on illegal fishing operations, but was criticized by the international society for being too lenient. The ministry later enforced stronger penalties.
Lawmaker Ha Tae-keung, a member of the Agricultural, Food, and Fisheries Committee at the National Assembly said, "Her statement was irresponsible. It's hard to believe those were the words of a minister. If the ministry really does not intend to center their polar research on development, they should object to the Polar Activities Promotion Act instead of criticizing Greenpeace."
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