SK telecom develops world’s first RIS technology for 6G frequency
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RIS refers to a technology that reflects or transmits radio waves by adjusting their propagation characteristics.
In cooperation with Dongwoo Fine-Chem Co., a local chemical material company, SK telecom applied RIS technology to ‘Low-E glass’, which is widely used as a building exterior material, and developed the technology that transmits high frequency bands.
Low-E glass, a product with one side of glass coated with a thin film of silver, transmits most of the visible rays of the sun and reflects a large part of the solar rays. It is widely used as a building exterior material for its excellent insulation property, but it also blocks radio waves, which is disadvantageous to mobile communication.
During a study, SK telecom measured the transmission characteristics of the upper-mid band (7-24 GHz) and sub-terahertz (92-300 GHz) bands, which are being discussed as new frequency bands among several candidate bands discussed as candidate frequencies for 6G. The company also compared them with 5G commercial frequencies.
The study found that propagation loss was about 4 to 2,000 times higher than that of 5G commercial frequencies, but it was improved by about 40 percent when RIS was applied.
With the technology development, it is now possible to produce 6G RIS glass that transmits light and radio waves while maintaining insulation performance, the company said.
The commercialization of 6G RIS glass is expected to contribute to improving wireless communication quality, including 6G indoor coverage, the company added.
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