Men's fashion app Danble operator wins startup contest on D.Day in June

Minu Kim 2022. 7. 5. 09:30
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[Source: D.CAMP]
Tailor Town, an e-commerce startup and operator of men’s fashion app Danble, won the top prize at D.Day, a monthly startup contest jointly organized by non-profit startup incubation foundation D.CAMP and select venture capitals in South Korea.

The June competition held as part of industry-academic cooperation with Yonsei University, Sogang University, Sungkyunkwan University, KAIST, POSTECH, Ewha Womans University, Hanyang University, and Korea University focused on very fledgling startups with promising business ideas. All six companies that advanced to the final were barely one year old.

D.CAMP has been working with universities to establish entrepreneurship training courses and support university startup clubs since its official launch in 2013. It is operated by Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs invested by 19 local financial institutions.

Tailor Town, which won the D.CAMP Dream Award last month, runs a fashion commerce-enabling platform Danble for men in their 30s and 50s. The app proposes coordinated styles consisting of up to 12 fashion items according to the user’s situation. Danble earned fame for its high repurchase rate of 70 percent just months after its launch in January. The company aims to expand its service into men’s verticals, including golf fashion, accessory, and beauty products.

Means, which won the Campus Adventure Award, operates PROPS, a web service that transparently discloses real estate data. The app enables users grasp everything about properties up for grabs, ranging from market price to property ownership structure with a simple entry of the address of their target real estate. This helps reduce the hassle of having to manually check the register and the building ledger. It is also possible to prevent financial fraud by checking the safety level of real estate products in advance.

[Source: D.CAMP]
The Audience Award was given to IPIN LABS, which develops deep learning-based indoor location tracking software. It applies inertial measurement sensor technology to enable indoor location tracking at a distance of less than 50cm. This is accurate enough to be able to determine which item is being accessed by a shopper on which shelve at a store. The technology is being used on a trial basis at COEX and some E-Mart stores and share offices. The company is participating in the development of indoor map services in collaboration with domestic and foreign big tech companies such as Google and Naver.

Another finalist company Consciouswear runs Nakes, a fashion brand that uses environmentally friendly materials. Nakes uses eco-friendly materials certified by the Global Recycling Standard (GRS), and eco-friendly chemicals and coatings for vegan leather treatment to minimize the environmental impact in the entire production process. Nakes’ leather clothing and fashion accessories are affordable and more durable than those of famous fashion brands.

Vacatio operates Hau, a concierge app service that creates personalized travel packages, which are currently limited to Jeju Island, Korea. The travel app creates an optimal travel schedule by considering the user’s itinerary, companions, preferred area, and availability of kid zone or pets. Hau, which has a customer retention rate of 93 percent, plans to build an interactive chatbot that can provide automated consultations for more than 80 percent of the concierge by learning 100,000 customer travel data.

Innovaid operates Dentlink, a digital platform that can integrate and manage the referral process between dentists and dental labs. While many automated platforms to link doctors and pharmacies are being developed, dentists still perform manually a chunk of their job when they request manufacturing or repairing of dental prostheses such as crowns and orthodontic devices. The company’s CEO Kook Jin-hyuk, who is a dentist, developed Dentlink to advance digitalization in the dental field, where e-mails and phones remain the mainstay for communication.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper &, All rights reserved]

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