TO moa 2022. 6. 28. 21:24
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Fighting heavy heat at Rome's Bio Park

epa10038347 Assistant at Bio Park of Rome distributes iced food to help animals to fight the heat, Rome, Italy, 28 June 2022. Zoological staff adopts measures that help the animals to face the very high temperatures, in particular in the middle of the day. For Samantha and Boomer, the California sea lion couple, the guardians throw large fish-filled popsicles into the water. Icicles stuffed with meat instead for the big cats, while the group of macaques of Japan has a swimming pool where they bathe by diving from the trunks, they also receive icicles based on fresh fruit such as plums, bananas and melons. Fresh fruit frozen in small quantities for micro monkeys. Refreshing showers for the Asian elephant Sofia, which also has a large bathtub. EPA/FABIO CIMAGLIA

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