SK cs 2021. 8. 14. 04:03
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Kibbeh vendor in the old souks of Damascus

epa09412756 People buy Kibbeh at one of the old souks of Damascus, Syria, on 13 August 2021. Umm Ahmad (L), nicknamed for Nusaiba al-Gharbi, sells grilled or fried Kibbeh, which is a Syrian dish made from a mixture of bulgur, very finely minced lamb or beef and Middle Eastern spices, in this crowded souk. Ahmad was displaced by the Syrian war from her home in the Damascus countryside with an incapacitated and elderly husband and four children, two boys and two girls, her searching for work led her to prepare and sell kibbeh. Her project stumbled at first, but she succeeded in the end as some of her neighbors provided a location and others tools for her work. EPA/YOUSSEF BADAWI

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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