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epa01545870 Supporters of convicted Bali bombers, Amrozi Nurhasyim, and Ali Ghufron gather as two ambulances carrying the bodies of Amrozi and Ali Ghufron arrive for their burial in Tenggulun, the home village of Amrozi and Ali Ghufron, in Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia, 09 November 2008. Indonesia early 09 November executed three Muslim militants convicted for their roles in the 2002 bombings in Bali that killed 202 people, mostly foreign visitors, officials and media reports said. Imam Samudra, 38 and brothers Amrozi, 46, and Ali Ghufron, alias Mukhlas, 48, were executed simultaneously by firing squads shortly after midnight 08 November. The executions took place on Nusakambangan Island off the southern coast of Java where the men were being held on death row, said spokesman for the attorney general's office Jasman Panjaitan. EPA/MAST IRHAM
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