Freedom Under Fire A Different Perspective Photo Essay
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In this double exposure darkroom print made from two film negatives, a portrait of Missy Jenkins Smith, a survivor of a school shooting in 1997 which left her paralyzed, is layered with a photo of her wheelchair she uses for showering as it sits in her closet at her home in Kirksey, Ky., Monday, June 5, 2023. Even after two and a half decades, Jenkins Smith still recalls the moment in exacting detail. That night, she and husband, Josh, had taken their son to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate his third birthday. On the drive home, he asked, "Mom, why are you in a wheelchair?" Jenkins Smith never had a choice about whether to keep what had happened to her hidden. Paralyzed from the chest down when one of the shooter's bullets severed her spinal cord, she had been honest with herself and others about the injury and the circumstances. In a way, talking about it was like therapy, she says. But that was very different from explaining it to a small child. Her child. (AP Photo/David Goldman) DOUBLE EXPOSURE DARKROOM PRINT MADE FROM TWO FILM NEGATIVES.
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