[PRNewswire] 2022 GAC Tech Day Brings a New Wave of Technology
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(GUANGZHOU, China, July 1, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On June 28, 2022 GAC Tech day was held at GAC R&D Center. In keeping with the theme - "The Realization of Technology" - GAC GROUP launched several technical feats applicable to mass production in the fields of intelligent connectivity, battery, and powertrain technology. The event also fell upon GAC GROUP's 25th anniversary celebration.
GAC Group presented Psi Operating System, its independently developed industry-first, vehicle-wide, cross-domain and standardized operating system based on the X-SOUL Electrical and electronic architecture. The system effectively enhances the vehicle computer systems' software compatibility by unifying its interface and core components.
A new and improved ADiGO Ecosystem, now expanded to include a smart cockpit solution in addition to driving assistance technologies, was also unveiled.
The ADiGO SPACE Intelligent Cockpit System features an intelligent voice assistant that responds in less than 0.6 seconds, and top-notch sound system with up-to-date infotainment content.
Meanwhile, the upgraded ADiGO PILOT Intelligent Driving System is now equipped with 39 advanced sensors and a high-performance computing platform. Applicable not only to advanced driving assistance technologies and intelligent parking, ADiGO PILOT is also used in autonomous robotaxi services.
GAC GROUP also launched its new-generation super iron lithium battery built on microcrystalline technology (SmLFP), which provides batteries with 13.5% higher cell quality energy density and 20% greater volume energy density than regular mass-produced iron phosphate lithium battery cells available on the market. Aside from the SmLFP technology, GAC Group introduced its Mega Waves Hybrid Modular Architecture and unveiled its 1.5L hydrogen-fueled engine for the first time. The hydrogen engine features a hydrogen consumption of 0.84kg/100km. Both technologies will serve as key solutions in the company's efforts to reach carbon neutrality.
Reveal of the hydrogen-powered MPV concept car SPACE also took place. The car's cutting-edge design, inspired by Chinese architecture, embraces the vision of a better life through new technology and echoes GAC's pursuit of innovation.
GAC MOTOR, under the guidance of GAC Group's mission to innovate, will continue to have the concept of "technology and innovation" at the core of its brand value. The innovative technologies showcased at the 2022 GAC TECH DAY will be key to the GAC MOTOR's advancement in an increasingly competitive global market. GAC is committed to use its strong development capabilities and technological progress on its journey to new heights with the goal of building a low-carbon an mobile-friendly future.
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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