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epa06418283 Dr. med. Roland Bittner from the Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology explains why the examination of an X-ray of a hand cannot be a method to verify ages at the hospital Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring in Berlin, Germany, 05 January 2018. The doctor can assume the age of the patient from the X-ray in the right on the screen above 15-year-old, but the actual age is eight. The doctor says that the X-ray examination can be valuable for the people between in the age eight to 15 but not to determine whether a person is under or above age 18. Moreover, there are always theoretical possibilities that the X-ray can damage to bodies, such as causing cancer. After the fatal knife attack by a young Afghan man on a 15-year-old in Kandel, CDU politicians called for a strict control for a medical age examination of asylum seekers. EPA/HAYOUNG JEON ATTENTION EDITORS: Patients' IDs pixelated due to privacy laws.
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