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epa04291443 (FILE) A file photo dated 30 August 2013 shows Telcel building in Mexico City, Mexico, which also houses the America Movil office, both owned by Carlos Slim. Mexican telecommunications giant America Movil has won approval from market regulators to enter into a deal to gain greater control over Central and Eastern European provider Telekom Austria, the Vienna-based company said 30 June 2014. The decisions by communications and financial regulators in Austria and Eastern Europe allowed America Movil to bundle its 26.8-per-cent stake in the Austrian company with the 28.4 per cent owned by the Austrian state. It is expected that America Movil will increase its control over the company, as the deal includes a compulsory offer to other Telekom Austria shareholders. America Movil is the leading telecommunications provider in Latin America. It is owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, listed by Forbes as the world's second richest man. EPA/MARIO GUZMAN
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