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epa11005631 An Afghan boy practices how to put on and walk with an artificial limb at the orthopedic hospital of the Red Cross Institute, that produces artificial limbs for disabled and is supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), in Kabul, Afghanistan, 30 November 2023 (issued 01 December). The United Nations have declared 03 December annually as the 'International Day of Persons with Disabilities'. The Red Cross Orthopedic Center in Kabul has been providing critical support to the disabled in Afghanistan since 1987, offering nearly 32,000 casts and artificial limbs, as well as 3,000 wheelchairs, to individuals in need. The center caters to a wide range of disabilities, including those resulting from war injuries, congenital deformities, cerebral palsy, and traffic accidents. With operations in several provinces, the center annually registers around 18,000 patients, most of whom are non-combat disabled. Patients have praised the standard and timely services provided, emphasizing the free distribution of artificial limbs, which would otherwise cost hundreds of dollars in private clinics. EPA/SAMIULLAH POPAL ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
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