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epaselect epa10200890 Spectators react while applaudding actors from Mariupol at the end of their documentary performance 'The Face of War color' based on their own experiences in Mariupol at the time when the city was under the Russian attacks, in a theater in Vinnytsia, west-central Ukraine, 14 September 2022 (issued 23 September 2022).
A team of actors from Mariupol is on tour in Ukraine with their documentary performance, which they one day hope to present abroad so that people around the world would learn what they went through. At the end of their performance in a local theater in Vinnytsia, actors and spectators alike were very emotional, with a few hundred spectators applauding for a long time, while some of them were crying at the same time.
Mariupol, the southeastern Ukrainian city, was one of the most affected cities by Russian attacks since the beginning of the invasion. Russia surrounded the city and was heavily bombarding it until occupying the city, in which 90 percent of residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed as a United Nation statement dated 16 June 2022 said. EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
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