[AsiaNet] Shanghai's Jiading Concentrates on Hydrogen Fuel Cells and ICVs,
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Boosts Automobile Industry
AsiaNet 94111
(SHANGHAI, Jan. 21, 2022 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) Jiading District in east China's Shanghai issued policies for promoting automobile industry development featuring electrification, automation, network connection and sharing on Wednesday at a conference, and an action plan was also released for accelerating development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, according to Jiading District Economic Commission.
Through efforts in upgrading its automobile industry, Jiading District has formed a solid industrial foundation and dynamic industry chains.
Leading players in the industry have gathered in the district to promote the development of automobile industry in the four key aspects of electrification, automation, network connection and sharing. This includes SAIC Volkswagen, Volvo, NIO, Li Auto, Horizon Robotics, Shanghai Hydrogen Propulsion Technology, etc.
Jiading District has also gained nationwide leading advantage in terms of providing supporting facilities for the automobile industry, with major projects such as China's only international pilot zone for electric vehicles, China's first pilot zone for intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs) approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's first fixed hydrogen refueling station with the longest record of safe operation period, etc.
In the future, the district will further expand its strength in automobile industry by bringing its innovation, service and resources to a higher level, striving to grow increasing global competence and generate more new technologies and standards for the industry.
Source: Jiading District Economic Commission
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