Mayfield Hotel Seoul offers 'Wellness Forest' package

2021. 1. 24. 14:41
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Mayfield Hotel Seoul (Mayfield Hotel Seoul)

The five-star Mayfield Hotel Seoul, located in Gangseo-gu, Seoul, is offering the Wellness Forest package for those looking to refresh, relax and recover.

The package, available until mid-December, offers a one-night stay in a superior room and a variety of programs to help guests heal both body and mind.

Breakfast that includes rocket juice, eggs and croissant is offered as room service, as well as a dinner at one of the hotel’s restaurants, Bongraeheon or La Festa. Complimentary tea is also offered at the hotel lounge.

Wellness Forest Package (Mayfield Hotel Seoul)

The highlight of the package is the yin yoga and aroma therapy offered on the first day of the package and a singing bowl meditation and sound therapy offered on the second day.

Mayfield has invited yoga and meditation experts, Park Sang-a and Choi Ju-hyeon, of Yoga & More to lead the programs. Park, who will lead the yin yoga, is yoga trainer who has studied at India’s Mysuru for two years. Yin yoga teaches how to breathe and stretch so that the body is lengthened to feel the utmost comfort.

Singing bowl meditation, led by instructor Choi, is a sound therapy gaining popularity in Korea that uses the vibrations and sound of a singing bowl to meditate and relax. The hotel says the therapy is especially soothing for children who can feel the vibrations better than adults because of higher body moisture levels.

“We tried to make a high quality program by inviting yoga, mediation experts with diverse certificates,” said a marketing official at Mayfield. “As for the yin yoga, we use mist products from Thailand’s famous natural cosmetics brand Sabai-arom so that the guest can have a unique experience with ‘Wellness Forest.’”

Guests using the package can enjoy a 50-minute spa massage at the hotel spa and a complimentary use of the hotel sauna, fitness center and swimming pool during their stay. The use of the facilities is subject to government’s social distancing regulations.

Amenities from hair product brand Moroccanoil, including shampoo and conditioner are provided.

The package is available at 410,000 won ($370) per person.

For more information and reservation, call the Mayfield Hotel at (02) 2660-9000.

By Lim Jang-won (

<ⓒKoreaHerald(무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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