kf cmm DL 2020. 5. 28. 20:38
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Remains of 12 people executed by Franco regime found in mass grave in eastern Spain

epa08449465 Archeological researchers conduct an excavation at the so-called 'Pit 111' during an exhumation project led by the private company 'ArqueoAntro' in Paterna, eastern Spain, 28 May 2020. The remains of 12 people have been found out of the nearly 150 victims of the brutal military dictatorship of Gen. Francisco Franco (1939-75) believed to be buried in the mass grave. The victims were executed for allegedly opposing the fascist regime between March and May 1940 ? a year after the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) ? before being dumped in anonymous mass graves and covered in slaked lime (calcium hydroxide). Researchers believe there are over 70 mass graves in Paterna holding the remains of 2,238 civilians exterminated for their supposed political inclinations. The present excavation works carried out by ArqueoAntro were temporarily halted when the Mediterranean country was hard-hit by the pandemic COVID-19 disease; they resumed in mid-May. EPA/MANUEL BRUQUE

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