[PRNewswire] PhytoHealth Corporation announced a new clinical study results
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-- The results are published at 2024 ESMO Congress: PG2 plus preoperative chemoradiotherapy improves survival in patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer
TAIPEI and BARCELONA, Spain Sept 17, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- A groundbreaking study conducted by PhytoHealth Corporation, a leading provider of botanical medicine, has revealed that combining Astragalus Polysaccharides (PG2®Lyo. Injection) with standard concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) significantly improves survival rates for patients with advanced esophageal cancer.
The study enrolled 38 patients with stage IIb to IIIb esophageal cancer. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either CCRT alone or CCRT combined with PG2, a proprietary extract of Astragalus membranaceus roots developed by PhytoHealth Corporation.
Results showed that patients who received PG2 in addition to CCRT experienced significantly longer overall survival compared to those who received CCRT alone. Furthermore, the combination therapy resulted in a higher tumor objective response rate. The study also found that PG2 helped strengthen the immune system by modulating the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) and enhancing the suppression of tumor growth.
'These findings offer a new hope for patients with esophageal cancer,'' said Dr. Wen-Chieh Huang, Chief of Division of Thoracic Surgery at Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan and the Principal Investigator of the clinical trial for PG2, a drug for cancer-related fatigue (CRF) relief developed by PhytoHealth Corporation, Taiwan. "PG2 has the potential to become a valuable addition to the standard treatment regimen, and can achieve improved patient outcomes.'' The data will be presented as a poster at the prestigious 2024 ESMO Congress. [ESMO abstract link[https://cslide.ctimeetingtech.com/esmo2024/attendee/confcal_2/presentation/list?q=1435P ]].
Dr. Huang noted that treatment options for esophageal cancer patients are relatively limited compared to those for other cancers. However, this study has shown that PG2 combination therapy can reduce inflammation markers in the blood, decrease the differentiation of macrophages towards the M2 type, and even help shrink tumors while improving survival rates. This represents a significant breakthrough in the treatment of esophageal cancer.
Dr. Huang further added that esophageal cancer patients often face tremendous challenges during treatment, with many unable to complete their therapy. However, by incorporating CRF medication, most patients were able to regain their strength, complete the full courses of cancer treatment, and achieve the expected therapeutic effects.
Esophageal cancer is a challenging disease with high recurrence rates and poor survival outcomes. PG2, previously established as a treatment for cancer-related fatigue (already approved by Taiwan Food and Drug Administration) has shown promise as a potential treatment enhancer. This latest discovery marks a significant advancement in the ongoing battle against this challenging cancer.
About PhytoHealth Corporation
PhytoHealth Corporation is a leader in the development and manufacturing of botanical medicine and natural health products based in Taiwan. With a focus on scientific research and innovation, PhytoHealth is committed to providing safe, effective, and high-quality products that support overall health and well-being.
Source: PhytoHealth Corporation
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