[PRNewswire] Xinhua Silk Road: 2024 CIFTIS Held in Beijing
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-- China's services trade fair promotes shared prosperity among global businesses
BEIJING Sept 14, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Themed "Global Services, Shared Prosperity," the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) opening in Beijing Thursday attracts the participation of 85 countries and international organizations, and over 450 Fortune Global 500 companies and leading companies of various industries.
More than 100 events, including thematic forums, meetings, project promotion conferences and side events, will be held in succession, and over 200 integrated innovation achievements will be released.
After the quality upgrade in 2020, the services trade fair has seen increasing influence and attention, becoming an important international public good in fostering cooperation in the service sector and services trade and playing a crucial role in expanding opening-up, deepening cooperation and leading innovation.
Since 2012, more than 900,000 exhibitors from 197 countries and regions have participated in the event.
According to deputy mayor of Beijing Sima Hong, advantages and characteristics in the services trade of participating countries and international organizations will be showcased in the special exhibition area at the China National Convention Center, and a special exhibition area has also been set up in Shougang Park, another venue for the CIFTIS, for foreign countries to show their cultural and tourism features.
New technologies, products and scenarios regarding naked-eye 3D display, autonomous driving, digital culture and tourism, smart education, intelligent sports and other fields will also be displayed during this year's CIFTIS.
As China has strengthened support for high-quality development of services trade, a series of policy dividends are releasing quickly, boosting global confidence and bringing new opportunities for foreign-funded enterprises.
The Chinese market is full of vitality, and Schneider Electric will tailor innovative service solutions for the market and sign cooperation agreements with local partners to achieve win-win results, said senior vice president of Schneider Electric Xu Shaofeng. This is the fifth time for the company to participate in the services trade fair.
China adheres to provide new opportunities for the world with new achievements of Chinese modernization, Assistant Minister of Commerce Tang Wenhong said, adding that the 2024 CIFTIS is expected to reach more practical results as it promotes precise matchmaking in all aspects.
Original link: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/342126.html
Source: Xinhua Silk Road
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