[PRNewswire] Sinopec Wins Best Environmental Protection Case
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-- The award was given at the first Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference in Frankfurt
FRANKFURT, Germany Sept 14, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation[http://www.sinopec.com/listco/en/ ] (Sinopec, HKG: 0386) has been honored with the Best Environmental Protection Case award at the First Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. The event, held at Congress Center Messe Frankfurt, recognized Sinopec's outstanding contributions to sustainable development.
Themed Together for the Future, the conference showcased top cases in ten categories, including environmental protection, social responsibility, corporate governance, and technological innovation. It aimed to foster dialogue and cooperation on sustainable development between Chinese and European businesses and deepen understanding of China's advancements among German and European industrial communities.
KPMG served as the knowledge partner, providing professional services throughout the selection process. The event was co-organized by several prominent institutions, including the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, China International Publishing Group, Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce, Frankfurt International Auto Parts Exhibition, and the German-Chinese Economic Association.
This recognition not only underscores Sinopec's leadership in environmental stewardship but also reflects its ongoing efforts towards achieving a more sustainable future through innovative practices across all aspects of business operation, from governance to social responsibilities.
Yongsheng Yu, Manag ing Director of Sinopec Group Brand ing Department, underscoring the company's dedication to embedding environmental sustainability into its core operations. Emphasizing their commitment to the mantra "Cleaner Energy, Better Life," Sinopec has strategically adopted Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles as a cornerstone of its business strategy.
Sinopec, one of the world's top refining companies and the second-largest chemical product producer and marketer, strives to balance development between its enterprise and societal welfare. Since 2007, with its first sustainability report released for the following 18 consecutive years, the company has been enhancing its ESG governance to address global challenges like climate change and energy security while also adapting to trends such as the electrification of transportation and steadily promoting energy transformation.
In tackling global challenges such as climate change and energy security, Sinopec's Board of Directors has continually improved its ESG governance structure, energetically implemented a green and clean development strategy, and progressively advanced energy transition while embracing the electrification trend in transportation energy. Sinopec will continue to work towards being a key player in the creation of a clean and beautiful world, a trailblazer in green and low-carbon development, and a protector of shared planet.
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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