[AsiaNet] Lead Seafood Sustainability and Equity Movement from Asia Together
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-- Join "Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit 2024" Presented by Seafood Legacy Co., Set for Oct. 8-10 in Japan
AsiaNet 0200378
TOKYO Sept 12, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/ -- Seafood Legacy Co., Ltd. and Nikkei ESG will hold the 10th "Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit" (TSSS) from October 8 to 10, 2024. The event aims to become a bigger hub to strengthen the sustainable seafood movement.
Photos from TSSS 2023: https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M108348/202409035821/_prw_PI1fl_olC5735H.png
The seafood industry faces serious and complicated issues, such as biodiversity loss and the need for workers' well-being. The TSSS is one of the largest events in Asia where experience and knowledge to solve these issues are shared to achieve sustainability and equity in the seafood industry.
Since its launch in 2015, the TSSS has brought together nearly 400 front-running speakers from various sectors across the world. This year, the organizers will focus on IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishery, human rights issues, traceability and ESG investment.
With its new 2030 goal "Win the mainstream," let's make the seafood industry more sustainable, together.
Message from Wakao Hanaoka, Founder and CEO of Seafood Legacy: https://youtu.be/NM_eIoo2mxA?si=Qy6m3Xb0DKSBkCOw
History of TSSS and sustainable seafood movement in Japan: https://sustainableseafoodnow.com/2024/en/tsss10th/
Guest speakers from Asia
- Wei-Hsiang Chang, section chief, Fisheries Resource Management Section, Fisheries Agency of Taiwan
- Takeshi Mori, director general, Fisheries Agency of Japan
- Putra Satria Timur, fisheries lead, Yayasan Masyarakat dan Perikanan Indonesia, Fisheries Program
- Jooyoun Lee, policy analyst, Distant Water Fisheries Division, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Republic of Korea
- Junro Ito, representative director and vice president, Seven & i Holdings
and more.
Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit 2024
- Win the Mainstream: Nature-Positive, Ensuring Global Food Security and Respecting Human Rights
Date: October 8-10 (Tuesday to Thursday), 2024
*There will be a reception on the first day.
Venue: Hall B7, Tokyo International Forum
How to join: In-person only
Entrance Fee: Free (pre-registration required)
Language: Simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation for all sessions
Hosts: Seafood Legacy Co., Ltd. and Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.
Co-hosts: David and Lucile Packard Foundation and Walton Family Foundation
For more information and to register, please visit the TSSS website:
Source: Seafood Legacy Co., Ltd.
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