[AsiaNet] 2024 Shenyang Cheongsam Culture Week held in Shenyang
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-- The opening ceremony was held while the 6th China Customized Cheongsam Art Festival was also held
AsiaNet 0200362
SHENYANG, China Sept 7, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/ -- On the evening of September 2, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Shenyang Cheongsam Culture Week and the 6th China Customized Cheongsam Art Festival was held in Shenyang. During the opening ceremony, a water cheongsam fashion show was held at the Hunhe No. 9 Pier on the banks of the Shenshui River.
The theme of this Cheongsam Culture Week is "Cheongsam's Beauty in the Ancient Capital, Boundless Creativity", and more than 20 activities including Cheongsam Element Culture Theme Market, Cultural Salon Activities, Fashion Cheongsam Show will be carried out around six aspects: "Meeting, Exhibition, Sales, Tour, Collection, and Show".
During the Cheongsam Culture Week, Shenyang will host various Cheongsam shows, and 18 key scenic spots in the city will provide discounted tickets and other benefits for tourists wearing Cheongsam.
Additionally, the stores associated with cheongsam, China-Chic, New Chinese style, jewelry and other cheongsam related stores in multiple business blocks and shopping malls in Shenyang will carry out cheongsam walk shows, discounts based on purchase thresholds, points and other consumption promotion activities to add a unique charm to Shenyang in autumn.
The 2024 Shenyang Cheongsam Culture Week is guided by the China National Textile and Apparel Council, hosted by the Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee, and undertaken by the Liaoning Textile and Apparel Association, Shenyang Radio and Television Station, Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, and other units.
Source: Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee
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출처 : 아시아넷 보도자료
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