[PRNewswire] Zoomlion's largest tower crane Supports Largest Suspension Bridge
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-- Zoomlion's Record-Breaking Tower Crane R20000-720 plays a crucial role in constructing the Shiziyang Bridge
GUANGZHOU, China Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co., Ltd. ("Zoomlion," 01157.HK), a leading manufacturer of advanced equipment, has once again redefined engineering possibilities with the world's largest tower crane, Zoomlion R20000-720, playing a crucial role in constructing the Shiziyang Bridge. The bridge, with a record-breaking main span of 2,180 meters, will be the world's largest dual-level suspension bridge upon completion.
Located in Guangzhou, China, the Shiziyang Bridge features a dual-layer steel truss suspension design, marking a significant achievement in bridge construction technology and complexity.
The R20000-720 tower crane, with a rated lifting capacity of 20,000 tonne-meters and a maximum lifting capacity of 720 tonnes, is engineered to meet the demanding challenges posed by the bridge's construction. Its impressive reach of 400 meters enables it to lift heavy materials to significant heights, equivalent to hoisting 500 cars to the 130th floor. The crane's weld seam stretches over 490 kilometers, with components weighing up to 92.8 tonnes.
The R20000-720 has demonstrated exceptional performance under extreme conditions, such as strong winds, high humidity, and heavy loads. It has successfully overcome the risks of working at heights, stringent construction standards, and complex multi-dimensional construction challenges.
This state-of-the-art crane integrates 158 innovative research achievements and 305 invention patents. The crane's revolutionary moving counterweight technology allows for precise movement in response to changing load moments, enhancing lifting performance by over 60%.
The crane also features a high-load lightweight structure and a heavy-duty modular design, reducing its upper structure weight by more than 20% compared to conventional designs. This advancement resolves transportation, assembly, and disassembly challenges for ultra-large cranes. Additionally, Zoomlion's Tower Crane ETI Intelligent Control System enables millisecond response times, allowing for quick and precise operations.
The R20000-720 set a new world record upon its production at Zoomlion Tower Crane Intelligent Factory in April 2023 [https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/the-worlds-largest-tower-crane-rolls-off-the-production-line-at-zoomlion-tower-crane-intelligent-factory-301803991.html ], surpassing the company's previous records in tower crane technology.
Prior to its deployment at the Shiziyang Bridge, the R20000-720 was instrumental in constructing the Ma'anshan Yangtze River Rail-Road Bridge, the world's first three-tower cable-stayed bridge with dual main spans exceeding one kilometer, and the world's longest steel truss cable-stayed bridge.
Zoomlion's contributions to the Shiziyang Bridge extend beyond the R20000-720. The company also employs 400-ton and 260-ton crawler cranes, pumping trucks, and the ZR550G rotary drilling rig, ensuring the project's success and quality assurance.
Source: Zoomlion
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