[PRNewswire] SSI Schaefer Celebrates Success of Singaporean Partners
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"Having been here for 40 of its 59 years, Singapore is home to SSI Schaefer's headquarters for Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, overseeing 15 locations across these regions as well as a factory in Simpang Renggam, Malaysia. During our time here, it's been spectacular to witness Singapore's meteoric rise as a major global supply-chain hub," remarked Sean Lim, Country Head at SSI Schaefer Singapore. "The nation has done particularly well by prioritizing infrastructure and recognizing that cutting-edge technology, top performance, optimal efficiency, and rigorous safety are absolute necessities for world-class facilities. It's been an honour to be a part of this for four decades through both our domestic and international partners."
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-- 40 Years out of 59
-- For the 59th National Day, intralogistics expert honours homegrown partner companies that have contributed to the nation's position as the top logistics hub worldwide, as it celebrates its own 40th anniversary.
SINGAPORE Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- In honour of Singapore's National Day, SSI Schaefer [https://www.ssi-schaefer.com/en-asia ], a global leader in intralogistics and automated warehouse solutions, is celebrating the success of its numerous Singaporean partners over the years, as the company itself commemorates its 40th anniversary in APAC.
To explore collaborating with SSI Schaefer, please contact: info.sg@ssi-schaefer.com
The World Bank recently ranked Singapore as first globally in its most recent 2023 Logistics Performance Index [https://lpi.worldbank.org/international/global ], with its highest score for Infrastructure, and had previously noted [https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/transport/three-factors-have-made-singapore-global-logistics-hub#:~:text=Singapore has become one of,World Bank Logistics Performance Index). ] that the nation's position as a global logistics hub played a key role in its economic success. Underpinning Singapore's logistics infrastructure across sectors are intralogistics centres - storage and distribution facilities - whose performance and capacity have repercussions for global supply chains, international trade, and economic growth.
"Having been here for 40 of its 59 years, Singapore is home to SSI Schaefer's headquarters for Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, overseeing 15 locations across these regions as well as a factory in Simpang Renggam, Malaysia. During our time here, it's been spectacular to witness Singapore's meteoric rise as a major global supply-chain hub," remarked Sean Lim, Country Head at SSI Schaefer Singapore. "The nation has done particularly well by prioritizing infrastructure and recognizing that cutting-edge technology, top performance, optimal efficiency, and rigorous safety are absolute necessities for world-class facilities. It's been an honour to be a part of this for four decades through both our domestic and international partners."
Specific to homegrown companies, three partnerships provide a snapshot of the company's impact on the Singaporean economy.
YCH Group's Supply Chain City™
- Completed 2018
- 65,000 m2 total surface area, including 10,080 m² of high-bay warehouse
- 50 m high and 5 floors of ramp-up warehousing
- Over 66,000 pallet storage locations
- 18 energy-efficient SSI Exyz storage-retrieval machines (SRMs)
- Capable of moving 450 pallets per hour
- Capacity for 21.6 tonnes total load
- Access to over 100 loading bays
Using technologies from SSI Schaefer, YCH Group, the leading homegrown supply chain solutions company, created a world-class logistics centre to reinforce Singapore's position as a key supply chain hub and nerve centre that connects Asia to the world. Located in the Jurong Innovation District, Supply Chain City™ utilizes SSI Schaefer's rack-clad automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) and its WAMAS® smart warehouse management system.
Since the facility's launch, the fully automated processes have enabled YCH to deliver higher value-added logistics services for customized end-to-end solutions to companies. Furthermore, with WAMAS®, comprehensive visibility of material flows has strengthened the collaboration and communication between every stakeholder in the supply chain, including the warehouse.
Tee Yih Jia Food Hub
- Completed 2022
- Singapore's largest fully automated cold storage facility and largest automated rack-clad, high-bay warehouse
- $450 million facility
- 40,000 m2 total surface area
- Three warehouses: two cold rooms and one ambient temperature dry storage
- 100,000 pallet positions of frozen storage racks
- 15 SSI Exyz SRMs
- Capable of moving 300 pallets per hour
Tee Yih Jia Manufacturing Pte Ltd, a leading frozen foods manufacturer, partnered with SSI Schaefer on its Tee Yih Jia Food Hub, a food factory and storage and distribution facility in Senoko. Combining SSI Schaefer's cold storage expertise with its rack-clad ASRS, Tee Yih Jia successfully leveraged full automation to significantly expand supply chain efficiency and capacity.
Collaboration with SME in Automotive and Industrial Industries
- Completed 2024
- 1075 m2 total surface area
Singapore's rigorous safety standards as a global logistics hub can sometimes create challenges for companies with less experience and thorough planning, particularly SMEs. As a one-stop shop, SSI Schaefer follows exacting safety standards from the EU and Singapore's Building and Construction Authority (BCA) from the start, and it has guided several Singaporean SMEs to make facility approval processes seamless.
Most recently, SSI Schaefer implemented their mezzanine solution, which complies with BCA and EU structural safety standards, for a collaboration with an automotive and industrial supply company on their facility in Defu. With the solution, the company greatly scaled up their total floor area and maximised storage capacity while advancing their journey towards automation. For their warehouse workers, the mezzanine solutions made workflows significantly more streamlined and user-friendly.
For further information, please visit SSI Schaefer's newly updated website https://www.ssi-schaefer.com/en-asia
Source: SSI Schaefer
[편집자 주] 이 보도자료는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았으며, 연합뉴스의 편집방향과는 무관함을 밝혀 드립니다.
출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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