[AsiaNet] Tancheng Matou Chaopai Roasting Cake
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AsiaNet 0200280
TANCHENG, China July 17, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- Tancheng Matou Chaopai roasting cake gets its name from its shape resembling the ancient ritual scepter, or Chaopai, used by literati during imperial court audiences. It is called "Toasting Cake" because it is roasted over a fire, making it a convenient food for travelers.
The process of making Matou Chaopai roasting cake demands long-term practice to grasp the essential techniques and control the temperature properly. It involves multiple steps like fermenting, kneading, shaping, coloring, sprinkling sesame seeds, and baking. The dough should consist of three equal parts: old dough, scalded dough, and fresh dough; kneading the dough requires vigorous and repetitive efforts until the surface of the dough is smooth and makes a "pop" sound when patted; the next steps are to pinch off the dough pieces and roll out the dough skins, apply an appropriate amount of oil, salt, and pepper powder on the surface, roll it up and evenly, brush on the specially crafted maltose syrup, sprinkle uniformly with peeled sesame seeds, and ultimately put it in the oven for baking. The final product is a crispy, golden brown cake with a rich wheat aroma, offering a delightful taste with sesame and seasonings. The Matou Chaopai roasting cake is a unique culinary delight due to its rich flavor and lasting appeal.
Source: Information Office of Tancheng County People's Government
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출처 : 아시아넷 보도자료
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