[AsiaNet] 18 peak summer power grid projects are all put into operation
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-- State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company completed the commissioning
AsiaNet 0200268
TAIYUAN, China July 12, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- A few days ago, Changzhi Lukai 110 kV power transmission and transformation project started operation. With the project launched, State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company completed the commissioning of all 18 key power grid projects for peak load and summer electricity usage in 2024, further enhancing the power supply capacity of Shanxi power grid and effectively ensuring energy and electricity supply during the summer peak in Shanxi.
It is understood that the key power grid project of Shanxi Power Grid during the peak summer in 2024 includes five 500 kV, four 220 kV and nine 110 kV projects, with a new line length of 621.9 kilometers and substation capacity of 1.406 million KVA, which is the largest construction scale of summer projects in recent years.
The five 500 kV projects are the channel adjustment project of "West-to-East Power Transmission" in North China Power grid. The operation of this series of projects has optimized the network structure of the North China regional power grid, enhanced the power supply capacity of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei load center, and laid a solid foundation for the regional power supply guarantee. The 220 kV Datong Desheng and Jincheng Guxian power transmission and transformation projects newly increased 720,000 kVA of substation capacity, will further promote the consumption of new energy, improve the utilization efficiency of new energy. The 220 kV Yuncheng Ruicheng and Jinzhong Yongji main transformer expansion projects newly increased 360,000 kVA of substation capacity, will further meet the electricity demand for economic and social development of load centers. The commissioning of 9 projects, including the 110 kV Changzhi Lukai transmission and transformation project, Taiyuan Xizhai continuation line and Yangquan Canchen line, has strengthened the regional grid structure, and ensued power supply capability during summer high load period. At the same time, State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company has also completed 174 reconstruction projects of peak summer distribution network, involving 85 sets of 10 kV lines totaling 496 kilometers, and 1,107 distribution transformer, further improving the power supply quality for urban and rural residents.
Source: The State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company
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