[PRNewswire] Enjoy a "3:15 pm Teatime Delight of Hong Kong Views and Flavours"
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-- Have a wonderful time at sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck
HONG KONG, July 11, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Summer is a wonderful season for enjoying Hong Kong's beautiful scenery and blue skies. To get the most from summer, look no further than sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck located at the International Commerce Centre, the tallest building in Hong Kong. As Hong Kong's only indoor observation deck offering 360-degree panoramic views of the city and its famous Victoria Harbour, there's simply no better place to relax and admire beautiful views while also enjoying local gourmet treats!
In 2024, sky100 received "Travellers' Choice" for the ninth time from the renowned travel website TripAdvisor in recognition of its breathtaking views and outstanding hospitality. Huge numbers of overseas tourists choose sky100 as their first stop when visiting the city. Ranked as one of the "Top 20 things to do in Hong Kong", it's a great opportunity to see amazing views and learn 100 fascinating stories about this famous destination. Explore the city's magnificent skyline by day or night at sky100!
This summer, sky100 is also launching its "3:15 pm Teatime Delight of Hong Kong Views and Flavours" summer campaign from 19 July to 3 September 2024. Providing a "Summer Journey of Local Teatime Culture", the campaign combines panoramic views of Hong Kong from 393 metres above sea level with FREE tastings of Hong Kong treats in partnership with beloved local food brands. The deck is even featuring five unique photo spots that showcase iconic scenes from Hong Kong's celebrated food culture, including a cha chaan teng-inspired setting with neon lights, and a historic fruit market with sugarcane. These and other inspirational highlights all await you. Don't miss the chance to enjoy breathtaking views while taking creative photos at sky100's must-see photo spots!
Exclusive discounts for overseas visitors
Every sky100 admission ticket offers a unique sky-high experience and fun interactive activities. From now until 31 December 2024, overseas visitors can enjoy a 20% discount for online booking of standard admission tickets on the sky100 official website (Adults HK$158, Children and Seniors HK$110). Don't miss the chance to come with your family and friends to discover Hong Kong's remarkable landmarks, views and culture at sky100!
sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck
Opening: Daily 10:00 - 20:30 (Last entry 20:00)
Address: 100th Floor, International Commerce Centre, Kowloon MTR Station, Hong Kong
Tickets: https://sky100.com.hk/en/offers/
Source: Allianz Partners
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