[PRNewswire] XCMG's Customer Festival Held in Xuzhou
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-- It captivates over 1200 international guests with rich heritage
XUZHOU, China May 27, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Over 1200 international guests from more than 60 countries explored the rich heritage of Xuzhou, China, during the recent Customer Festival[https://en.prnasia.com/releases/apac/xcmg-celebrates-the-6th-customer-festival-with-global-clients-showcasing-innovations-in-sustainable-and-intelligent-construction-447836.shtml ] of XCMG Machinery (SHE:000425, "XCMG"). The event featured tours of historical sites, immersive cultural experiences, and spectacular performances that showcased traditional Chinese culture.
The festival offered a diverse itinerary that captivated its global customers. Guests visited the Hui Long Nest historical and cultural district-a national-level tourism and leisure area known for its ancient charm with roofs made of black tiles and walls of stone. To enhance the experience for international visitors, an interactive Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) zone was set up in the center of the district where guests engaged in activities like lacquer fan making, stone tablet rubbing, sugar painting, and trying on Hanfu-traditional Han Chinese clothing.
One of the highlights was a visit to the Pengcheng Fenghua performance venue where guests enjoyed a scene-based interactive experience. "Wearing Hanfu made me feel like a queen; it's such a beautiful tradition," said Bowman Karen from South Africa, who attended with friend Gibson Liza Marie. Both were fascinated by the contrast between modernity and tradition evident throughout their visit.
Mr. Fatimatou from Cameroon found particular interest in ICH stone rubbing. He skillfully created rubbings with her favorite phrase "contentment," demonstrating deep engagement with this ancient art form. Meanwhile, Chen Shujing from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, couldn't resist purchasing eleven aromatic sachets to take home as gifts.
The journey through Xuzhou's history continued as visitors listened to stories about Chu kings at Shizi Mountain King Tomb Museum before exploring nearby terracotta warrior sites and painted Han Dynasty tombs-offering them an intimate look into China's millennia-old cultural accumulation.
As night fell over Yunlong Lake during the Pengcheng Fenghua show, visitors were treated to a magical performance. Under dazzling lights and accompanied by dance performances on boats, technology-enhanced visuals created a mesmerizing experience. Reflecting on unforgettable moments during the Pangcheng Fenghua performance, Siyafa Kobusingye from Kampala, Uganda, said, "I've never seen anything quite like it, it was a magical performance; especially when it started raining during the show-it felt surreal."
"The integration of light effects with natural elements like rain and thunder followed by a moonrise was breathtakingly beautiful," remarked Kobusingye after witnessing this unique spectacle that seamlessly blended past and present over 70 minutes.
Source: XCMG Machinery
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