[PRNewswire] Hisense Wins Red Dot Award 2024 and iF Design Award 2024
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QINGDAO, China May 23, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Hisense, a leading global home appliance and consumer electronics brand, is proud to announce that the ERF6A66 Solar Remote Control has received both the Red Dot Award for Product Design 2024 and iF Design Award 2024 for its innovative and eco-friendly solar charging solution, which makes home living more environmentally friendly, enjoyable and stress-free.
Adopting an environmentally friendly power supply design, the ERF6A66 Solar Remote Control collects ambient light through an amorphous silicon solar panel and converts it into electrical energy. The energy is stored in a built-in lithium capacitor, which extends battery life. In a sunlit environment, it is able to charge itself without manual intervention. Through TV light sensing technology, the remote control can implement intelligent backlight function, improving the user's remote control experience in dark environments.
The Hisense ERF6A66 Remote Control is compatible with Hisense UX, U7 and U8 TVs in the European and Oceanian markets and adopts a sleek and geometric design elevated by its concise shape and ergonomic hand-feeling. Created to complement any home lifestyle, the solar charging panel is strategically positioned on the top surface, aligning with user placement habits and optimizing solar area efficiency. The seamless integration of the solar area and the remote's control main body not only enhances the aesthetics but also safeguards against potential damage from dust and water, ensuring durability and longevity.
The Red Dot Award in Product Design and iF Design Award are amongst the world's largest design competitions, recognizing products of outstanding design, creativity and innovation. These awards underline Hisense's commitment to sustainable development with excellence in design and innovation.
In addition to winning awards, Hisense, as an official partner of UEFA EURO 2024™, aims to provide fans with immersive game watching experiences through its innovative TV products and home appliances. It recently kicked off the Hisense 'BEYOND GLORY' UEFA EURO 2024™ brand campaign highlighting the company's commitment to delivering reliable products with unparalleled quality in the pursuit of improving everyday life.
About Hisense
Hisense is a leading global home appliance and consumer electronics brand. Hisense's business covers multimedia products (with a focus on Smart TVs), home appliances, and IT intelligent information. Hisense Retains No. 2 Ranking Globally for TV Shipment in 2023. Hisense has grown rapidly, and now operates in more than 160 countries.
Source: Hisense
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