[PRNewswire] JETOUR Further Extends Its "Travel+" Strategy
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-- Entering Global RHD Market
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia May 23, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- On May 21st, JETOUR Auto made its global RHD products debut at the Malaysia Auto Show, which marked JETOUR officially entering global RHD market with its 'Travel+' strategy. Guests, media, and partners in Malaysia gathered at the auto show to witness JETOUR's new era in the RHD market.
"The launch of RHD models shows that JETOUR's product line becomes more diverse, capable of meeting users' needs in different countries and regions. With a profound understanding of market trends and demands, JETOUR accelerates its global strategic layout." said Kevin Xu, Vice President of JETOUR International.
DASHING and X70 PLUS RHD models launched in Malaysia not only retain the popular features of the product series but also integrate local elements, further enhancing safety and comfort to meet the needs of young Malaysians and family users.
As one of the important economies and the second-largest automotive market in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is a strategic RHD market for JETOUR. Over the next five years, JETOUR plans to develop 80 sales networks in Malaysia and achieve a 150,000-unit sales target, becoming a mainstream auto brand in Malaysia.
According to Kevin Xu, JETOUR will build the whole industry chain in Malaysia, including marketing, services, finance, local manufacturing, and parts localization, and will export to other markets in Southeast Asia.
"Malaysia witnessed significant growth in automotive industry, with nearly 800,000 units sold in 2023. As a new auto brand, JETOUR has made remarkable achievements of over 1.1 million units sold within only 68 months. We are confident in JETOUR's performance in Malaysia. In 2025 and 2026, we plan to introduce more models, including traditional ICE vehicles, PHEVs, and BEVs, satisfying users' demands for economical and environment-friendly travel in Malaysia." said Nor Kamalah Binti Hashim, Director of JETOUR Auto Malaysia.
In the second half of this year, JETOUR will enter markets such as Indonesia, Thailand, and South Africa. Continuing with the family travel series represented by DASHING and X70 PLUS, JETOUR plans to launch RHD models of off-road travel T series in the first quarter of 2025.
JETOUR Auto has covered over 50 countries and regions, including the Middle East, Central and South America, Africa and Asia-Pacific, with more than 600 sales and service networks. Focusing on globalization, JETOUR has also proposed the "International Million Strategy": by 2030, it is expected to establish over 1,600 distribution networks and 10 KD assembly plants for more than 80 markets worldwide and achieve over 1 million unit sales and 100 billion yuan in revenue.
With JETOUR's deployment in the RHD market, the "Travel+" strategy will be further developed and innovated on both product and marketing, strengthening JETOUR's position as the premier brand in the global "Travel+" auto market.
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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