[AsiaNet] Yinan, Shandong: Delicious Delights on Tip of Tongue - Apricot

보도자료 원문 2024. 5. 16. 13:28
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Farmers are picking Gaohu pearl apricots.

AsiaNet 0200150

YINAN, China May 16, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- The origins of apricots can be traced back to ancient times, as recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, stating "Beneath the Spiritual Mountain, apricot trees flourish." Originating from Gaohu Village, Andi Town, Yinan County, Shandong Province, the apricots are small in size and resemble pearls, earning them the name Gaohu Pearl Apricots.

Since 2014, Andi Town, Yinan County has introduced Gaohu pearl apricots tailored to the local climate, marking a significant advancement in the development of the fruit economy. After years of cultivation, the planting area has expanded from the initial five to six hundred mu to the current 22,000 mu, making it the largest production base of Gaohu pearl apricots in China.

Gaohu pearl apricots are highly adaptable, cold-resistant and drought-tolerant, allowing them to be cultivated on both flatlands and hills, yielding fragrant, sweet and nutritious fruits.

On average, the fruits weigh 26.3 grams, with a maximum weight of 38 grams each. As they ripen, the green young fruits transform into translucent orange-yellow ones with a smooth, uniformly colored surface resembling a layer of oil. Their crisp, sweet, and aromatic properties lend them exceptional quality, making them suitable for consumption fresh, dried, or for use in fruit wine, showcasing a wide range of applications.

As a characteristic industry project of "One Village, One Product", Gaohu pearl apricot has developed into a prominent agricultural cultural tourism brand of Andi Town, greatly contributing to the expansion of agricultural product sales channels and the integration of agriculture, culture, and tourism.

Source: Information Office of Yinan County People's Government

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출처 : 아시아넷 보도자료

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