[AsiaNet] Yinan, Shandong: Embrace Fashionable World of Yangdu Straw Weaving

보도자료 원문 2024. 5. 16. 13:28
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Yangdu Straw Weaving

AsiaNet 0200149

YINAN, China May 16, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- Straw weaving, a national intangible cultural heritage of China, is an art of turning straw into gold. The craftsmanship of Yangdu straw weaving, originally utilizing corn leaves, has been transformed by the locals through manual dyeing and weaving to make exquisite baskets, straw bags, hats, and more.

Yangdu straw weaving techniques are diverse, ranging from simple weaving to complex structural designs, each representing a profound exploration and innovation of traditional craftsmanship. This requires not only patience and meticulousness but also a deep understanding and passion for this art.

Yin Huiju, a representative inheritor of Yangdu straw weaving, started learning the weaving craft at the age of 14. In the 1990s, she established the Yangdu Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd. and successfully exported products overseas. Today, Meng Xiangjun has established the VINE brand, leading a group of skilled grandmothers in the art of straw weaving to create a series of highly fashionable and well-designed straw bags. Such artistic bags perfectly blend fashion with tradition, making more young people recognize, preserve and promote intangible cultural heritages.

Source: Information Office of Yinan County People's Government

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