[AsiaNet] Forum on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Held in Qingdao

보도자료 원문 2024. 5. 15. 12:49
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QINGDAO, China May 15, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- On May 11, the Forum on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation from the Grassroots Level was held in Qingdao, Shandong, co-hosted by the China Public Relations Association, China Association for Disaster Prevention, and China Society of Emergency Management.

The forum aims to enhance the public awareness of disaster risk prevention throughout society and strengthen the capacity for disaster prevention and mitigation at the grassroots level to contribute to the high-quality development of Chinese-style modernization, according to the Information Office of Qingdao Municipal People's Government. The forum believes that in recent years, global extreme weather events have shown an increasing and strengthening trend. With the rapid development of the economy and society, some issues of unbalanced and inadequate development have posed challenges to the disaster prevention and reduction capabilities at the grassroots level. China has made significant progress and achievements in disaster prevention and reduction since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. However, in the face of natural disasters and accidents, the problems in grassroots construction have become apparent. Therefore, it is of great significance and an urgent task to do well in grassroots emergency management and to solidify the foundation for disaster prevention and reduction at the grassroots level.

The forum highlights that disaster prevention, mitigation, and relief are crucial for safeguarding people's lives and property, as well as social harmony and stability. The best way to maintain public safety and mitigate disaster incidents is prevention, with the optimal timing being during peacetime. There are no bystanders in the prevention of disaster risks; everyone is responsible. It is important to enhance public education and awareness around key fields, improve people's disaster prevention and self-rescue capabilities, strengthen the reserve of emergency supplies at the grassroots level, and boost the development of grassroots emergency teams. It also calls for formulating contingency plans at the grassroots level, establishing and improving systems for early warning, prevention, and emergency response so as to advance grassroots emergency management to a new level.

Source: Information Office of Qingdao Municipal People's Government

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