[PRNewswire] CCTV+: Xi stresses family ties for wellbeing of people, nation

보도자료 원문 2024. 5. 14. 16:30
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BEIJING May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on multiple occasions highlighted the Chinese tradition of strong family ties, especially mother's caring, and its importance to people's wellbeing and the national development.

Ahead of the Mother's Day that falls on May 12 this year, China Media Group (CMG) on Saturday published stories recounting remarks and quotes by the Chinese president on motherhood and family affection, to honor traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

When delivering his Spring Festival greetings in 2015, Xi quoted the poem "Song of the Parting Son" by Meng Jiao in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) to explain how the tradition of strong family ties remains unchanged throughout history.

"From the threads a mother's hand weaves, a gown for parting son is made. Sown stitch by stitch before he leaves, for fear his return be delayed," Xi quoted.

"The Chinese nation has always valued family and cherished familial bonds since ancient times," he said.

In 2016, Xi called for efforts to enhance virtue and civility in Chinese families so as to create an important foundation for national development, progress and social harmony at a conference to honor model families across China.

He said a kind mother bringing up children dutiful to their family is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

"Family not only provides a place for the physical body to reside, it is also where people's hearts lie. A country and a nation can do well only when its families do well," said Xi.

The Chinese president has always valued the family. At the Spring Festival gathering in 2017, Xi's words on family reunion struck the heartfelt chords of hundreds of millions of people.

"People may devote themselves to work, sacrificing sleep and meals, they may rush to different places to make a living. However, they should not forget about genuine human connections, nor should they allow distance to sever those connections. In the midst of daily busyness, one should not forget about genuine human connections. In the relentless pursuit day and night, one should not overlook such connections," he said.

Growing up in a good family atmosphere, Xi, who comes from the people, never forgets the importance of happiness which tens of millions of families strive for, as he constantly highlights family, family education and family tradition.

Xi stresses family ties for wellbeing of people, nation

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK2buERrf_I

Source: CCTV+

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