[PRNewswire] Shanghai Electric's Green Energy Solutions Land

보도자료 원문 2024. 5. 14. 13:47
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Shanghai Electric's Green Energy Solutions Land at China Brand Day Expo, Building a Landscape Reshaped by Clean Energy Technology.

-- Building a Landscape Reshaped by Clean Energy Technology at China Brand Day Expo

-- Aligning with the Expo's theme of 'Chinese Brands, Shared Globally', the Company showcases integrated solutions for energy and industrial equipment with a focus on low-carbon approaches

SHANGHAI May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) has put its green energy and systematic industrial solutions under the spotlight of China Brand Day 2024, the eighth edition of the grand expo held in Shanghai from May 10th to 14th. The solutions on display showcase Shanghai Electric's recent contributions to the development of clean energy with its technological breakthroughs that address regional needs, unfurling a vision of a greener China powered up by its low-carbon innovation designed to help the country accelerate towards the zero-carbon target.

The theme of Shanghai Electric's exhibition, which is segmented into four areas that cover brand story, technology innovation, green energy, and the Belt and Road Initiative, paints a picture of a future in which human beings, industries, and nature thrive in harmony, as well as an outlook of sustainable progress and prosperity driven by new quality of productive forces, China's new development philosophy devised by the government to lead a new chapter of economic growth.

A New Blueprint for Green and Low Carbon Development

At the heart of the brand story, Shanghai Electric has creatively portrayed clean energy and industrial projects within a lush and serene landscape. The visualization, inspired by a Chinese traditional painting "A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers" that dates back to the 12th century, not only provides visitors with a glimpse into a vision where all sectors can benefit from low-carbon technology but also underscores Shanghai Electric's ambition to take the lead in global energy transformation.

Technological Innovation: The Backbone of High-Quality Manufacturing

Highlighting its technological prowess, Shanghai Electric demonstrated its solutions and products that push manufacturing to a new level, underscoring the Company's relentless pursuit of technological innovation. Among the innovations on display are:

- Nuclear equipment has a reactor pressure vessel that weighs 1,300 tons when filled with water.

- High-precision composite grinding center that boasts a grinding accuracy of 0.0004mm.

- High-temperature-resistant ceramic tile that can withstand temperatures of nearly 1400°C.

- Wind tunnel forge for making 9% nickel material that can operate at extremely low temperatures of -196°C.

(PRNewsfoto/Shanghai Electric)

Green Energy: Fostering a Sustainable Industrial Chain

Under the banner of "Green Energy", Shanghai Electric presented its wind-solar-storage-hydrogen complementary power generation system and source-grid-load-storage integrated solution, showcasing its new-generation power systems and comprehensive zero-carbon industrial parks that power up regions across the globe. The Company highlighted the Energy Management System (EMS) that has been deployed in a number of projects worldwide, along with its core system and equipment for controlled nuclear fusion, which are at the forefront of China's market.

Chinese Brands, Shared Globally

Shanghai Electric shared the Company's story of accelerating the development of clean energy in collaboration with its global partners through an interactive screen, vividly illustrating a roadmap to build a greener, more sustainable tomorrow. As of the end of last year, over 140 overseas Shanghai Electric branches have been established in 35 countries and territories, undertaking over 100 projects that span thermal power, photovoltaic, nuclear power, energy storage, waste-to-energy, combustion engines, and coal power. With its innovative solutions, Shanghai Electric helps generate a total of 1.2 trillion kWh of electricity and reduce carbon emissions by 35 million tons.

With an eye on the dawn of a new era powered by clean energy, Shanghai Electric is poised to be at the forefront, concentrating on green, low-carbon, and digital transformations to extend its business and assist China and beyond in reaching low-carbon ambitions. As a leader in the field of new energy equipment and a crucial player in the automation of high-end equipment, Shanghai Electric is always exploring the frontiers of innovation to open up new possibilities within the industrial ecosystem.

For more information about Shanghai Electric, please visit https://www.shanghai-electric.com/group_en/.

Source: Shanghai Electric

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