[PRNewswire] Budapest Hosts Successful Roadshow for China Supply Chain Expo

보도자료 원문 2024. 5. 13. 14:02
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Budapest Hosts Successful Roadshow for Second China International Supply Chain Expo. (PRNewsfoto/China International Supply Chain Expo)

BUDAPEST, Hungary May 13, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- The second installment of the China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo recently staged its roadshow in Budapest, Hungary. The event saw the participation of Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), Dr. Laszlo Parragh, President of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI), along with representatives from leading Hungarian companies and trade associations.

Chaireman Ren emphasized the complementary supply chain capabilities of China and Hungary, noting that fostering closer ties between manufacturers in both countries could solidify a resilient and reliable partnership in industrial and supply chain sectors. The CCPIT and the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) aimed at bolstering supply chain collaboration. Hungary will participate the upcoming Expo as Guest of Honor. This strategic move is expected to enhance collaborative efforts across sectors, including electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy initiatives, facilitating enhanced connectivity and reciprocal gains.

Dr. Parragh highlighted the robust, enduring strategic partnership between China and Hungary, noting that it will significantly enhance bilateral interactions across a broad spectrum of industries and sectors. China's growing middle-income group, increasingly seeking high-quality goods and services, offers significant opportunities for Hungarian companies to innovate and engage in joint ventures. To capitalize on this, the HCCI will facilitate Hungary's participation in the upcoming second Expo, aiming to deepen market penetration into China.

Organized by the CCPIT, the Expo stands as the first national-level exhibition globally with a focus on supply chains. At the inaugural Expo, the Hungarian Embassy in China took the opportunity to spotlight Hungary's top national brands, emphasizing trade investment, cultural tourism, and technological innovation, showcasing the collaborative successes and potential opportunities within the supply chain sector between the two nations.

Scheduled from November 26th to 30th in Beijing, the forthcoming second Expo, themed Connecting The World For A Shared Future, will feature major supply chains in advanced manufacturing, clean energy, intelligent vehicles, digital technology, healthy living, and green agriculture, complemented by a dedicated supply chain services exhibition area. Additional events will include investment promotion, supply-and-demand matchmaking, and new product launches. Efforts to attract exhibitors and investors are progressing smoothly, with strong interest from companies worldwide.

For more information about the Expo, please visit https://en.cisce.org.cn/.

Source: China International Supply Chain Expo

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