[AsiaNet] The "2024 Korea-Shenyang Activity Week" kicks off

보도자료 원문 2024. 4. 28. 19:47
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2024 Korea-Shenyang Activity Week

AsiaNet 0200121

SHENYANG, China Apr 28, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- On April 24, the "2024 Korea-Shenyang Activity Week" and the "Hello, Shenyang" Global Promotion (Seoul Station) kicked off in Seoul, South Korea. Leaders from both sides addressed the opening, and leaders from Liaoning Province and Shenyang City delivered thematic presentations on the investment and development situation in the province and the city. Business representatives shared their experiences and insights of investing in Shenyang.

After the opening ceremony, leaders from both sides and guests visited the important section of the activity week - the Shenyang Specialty Products Exhibition. A total of 55 representatives from companies in the city of Shenyang and cities in the Shenyang modern metropolitan area showcased their products in the fields of high-end equipment, biomedicine, new energy, new materials, modern agriculture, food, cultural tourism resources, among others. A dedicated B2B negotiation area was set up, where 26 Chinese companies and 38 South Korean companies conducted 105 negotiation sessions during this event.

According to the Information Office of Shenyang Municipal People's Government, the activity week ran from April 23 to 27. In addition to the opening ceremony and the Shenyang Specialty Products Exhibition, there were four special economic and trade activities focusing on key industries of Sino-Korean cooperation such as food, biomedicine, medical cosmetology, fashion culture, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, as well as various activities like promotion of cultural tourism resources and targeted investment attraction.

More than 400 representatives from key economic and trade institutions and business associations in South Korea, sister cities, Korea's Fortune 500 companies, and media outlets attended the opening ceremony. At the ceremony, 33 key Sino-Korean cooperation projects were signed, with a total contract value of 12.5 billion yuan.

Source: Information Office of Shenyang Municipal People's Government

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