[AsiaNet] TotalEnergies BWF Thomas & Uber Cup Finals 2024 to Kick Off

보도자료 원문 2024. 4. 26. 10:40
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AsiaNet 0200116

CHENGDU, China Apr 26, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- Between April 27th and May 5th, badminton enthusiasts around the world will train their eyes on the Chinese city of Chengdu, host of one of the world's most prestigious badminton team competitions - the TotalEnergies BWF Thomas & Uber Cup Finals 2024. This event is scheduled to take place inside the Chengdu High-tech Zone Sports Centre Gymnasium.

According to the competition's organizing committee, this is the first time for Western China to host the world's top-level badminton event. During the span of the Thomas & Uber Cup, 32 teams from 20 nations and regions will descend on Chengdu to battle for the highly coveted trophy.

In the host city of Chengdu, badminton is a hugely popular sport with a massive following and one of the highest participation rate among citizens. Data released by the Chengdu Badminton Association show that more than 500,000 people in Chengdu habitually play badminton, and the city is home to over 440 venues outfitted with four or more badminton courts. In terms of expenditures on sport education and training, spending on badminton is ranked first.

Passion for badminton is but one aspect of the citywide passion for sports. In recent years, Chengdu has dedicated tremendous efforts in positioning itself as a world-famous city of sport, having hosted a series of high-level international sport events such as the 31st Summer World University Games and the ITTF World Team Championships. These endeavors have promoted full-spectrum enhancement of sport infrastructure facilities across the city, and spurred the popularity of physical exercise among citizens, with an increasing number of Chengdu folks participating in sports including badminton, and reveling in the health and joy brought forth by physical exercises.

The hosting of the Thomas & Uber Cup in the Sichuan provincial capital will further deepen the relationship between Chengdu and the world of sports. In the near future, the city will also play host to more than 50 international and national sporting events of the highest level such as ITTF Mixed Team World Cup, World Dance Sport Festival (WDSF) China and Chengdu Marathon, which will continue to strengthen the city's athletic genes.

Source: Organizing Committee of the TotalEnergies BWF Thomas & Uber Cup Finals 2024

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