[AsiaNet] Guangxi leads high-quality development with high-level opening-up

보도자료 원문 2023. 12. 21. 20:30
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AsiaNet 100589

NANNING, China Dec 21, 2023 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- Data released by the statistics department show that from January to October this year, Guangxi Beibu Gulf Port completed a container throughput of 6.5074 million TEUs, up 16.5%, and is expected to reach 8 million TEUs this year, a new level; In the first three quarters of this year, Guangxi's total foreign trade imports and exports reached 498.15 billion yuan, up 18.4%, ranking the sixth in the country.

From 2004 to 2022, the trade volume between Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and ASEAN, the province with the largest ethnic group population in China, increased more than 30 times. In recent years, Guangxi has led high-quality development with high-level opening-up, steadily promoted the joint construction of a new western land-sea channel, deepened the opening-up and cooperation with ASEAN and the Belt and Road countries, and accelerated the construction of a convenient place for domestic and international double-circulation markets.

Since this year, the Guangxi delegation has successfully visited Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and other ASEAN countries. A number of major opening platforms, such as the China-ASEAN Information Port, the financial opening gateway for ASEAN, the Fangchenggang International Medical Open Pilot Zone, the Nanning Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, and the Baise, Dongxing and Pingxiang national key development and opening pilot zones, are accelerating construction.

To fully integrate national regional development strategies such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guangxi has organized Party and government delegations to Guangdong, Hainan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Yunnan for study and exchange, and actively undertook industrial transfer. Guangxi has accelerated the construction of major transport projects connecting Guangdong, and built a fast-track network connecting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It has strengthened the precise integration with industrial clusters in the Greater Bay Area, built a cross-regional and cross-border industrial and supply chain linking the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area-Beibu Gulf Economic Zone-ASEAN", and constantly enhanced the potential for all-round opening up and development.

In terms of economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, Guangxi has extensively organized enterprises to participate in various key foreign-related exhibitions such as the Canton Fair, the Consumption Expo, the Canton Fair for Canadian Products, the China International Fair for Trade in China, and the Specialty Product Promotion Conference, and to carry out economic and trade exchanges in 12 countries in 4 regions including ASEAN, Japan and South Korea, the Middle East and the European Union, actively helping Guangxi enterprises go abroad. The China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone has been built to high standards. With less than 5/10,000 of the total land area of the region, it has achieved 37.1% of the total import and export volume of the region and 39.4% of the actual utilized foreign investment.

Yang Chunting, director of the Department of Commerce of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, introduced that as the forefront and window of China's opening up and cooperation with ASEAN, Guangxi has actively promoted high-level opening up and achieved positive results. In the past five years, Guangxi's total agreement investment amounted to 6.33 billion US dollars, among which the total agreement investment to ASEAN countries amounted to 3.74 billion US dollars, accounting for 59%. ASEAN countries have invested and set up 335 foreign-funded enterprises in Guangxi, involving manufacturing, leasing and business services, transportation, warehousing and postal services and other fields.

Guangxi will initially form a domestic and international double circulation market operation facility through two to three years of efforts; basically complete the domestic and international double circulation market operation facility through four to five years; and fully complete the domestic and international double circulation market operation facility by 2030 as scheduled, realizing the all-round and whole process facilitation of investment, manufacturing, trade, consumption, capital flow, personnel exchange, smooth logistics, policy innovation, platform opening and utilization, and leading the market operation facilitation level in China.

Source: The Publicity Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

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