[PRNewswire] Embracing the New Horizon, Towards the Shared Future
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-- SUPCON Celebrates 30th Anniversary
HANGZHOU, China Dec 2, 2023 /PRNewswir연합뉴스/ -- November 23rd, SUPCON (688777.SH, SUPCON.SW) held the 30th Anniversary celebration event themed "Embracing the New Horizon, Towards the Shared Future" at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center. The event witnessed the gathering of over 6,000 SUPCON group members sharing the joy of three decades of remarkable achievements. More than 100,000 global spectators participated in the online livestream.
The opening ceremony featured Congratulatory Speeches from distinguished guests, including Mr. Gao Chong, Deputy District Mayor of Binjiang High-tech District in Hangzhou, Mr. Wang Zizong, Vice Chief Engineer and General Manager of Information and Digital Transformation Management Department at SINOPEC, and Mr. Gu Jiandang, General Manager of Phoenix Contact China. Founder of SUPCON, Mr. Chu Jian, delivered the keynote speech titled "Moving Forward, Achieving Excellence", extending gratitude to all friends who have supported SUPCON over the 30 years. "Looking ahead, the future is full of uncertainty," he said, "however, I hope SUPCON would make certain to persist in five key aspects: Create value for customers and society. Do the right and tough things. Stay focused and be reliable. Keep passionate and pursuit excellence. Maintain open and foster cooperation ecosystem."
The following program unfolded in three chapters: "Crossing Mountains and Seas", "Embracing High in Clouds" and "Dancing with the Stars", each corresponding to the momentous stages of SUPCON's development. SUPCON's growth mirrors the rapid ascent of Chinese industry and urbanization. Beginning 30 years ago, SUPCON aligned the company vision "make industry smarter, make life easier" with the national initiative to enhance industrial capabilities, and started the journey from small-to-medium-sized chemical projects to MAC projects for million-ton-ethylene plant and ten-million-ton refinery complexes, smart city megaprojects and national strategic projects. Today, SUPCON stands as a public and global entity, continuously embracing new challenges alongside industrial partners and nearly 30,000 process industry clients. The celebration featured a ceremony where representatives from prominent partners stamped the mark of SUPCON's 30th Anniversary, symbolizing the opening of SUPCON's next chapter towards a better shared future with global partners.
Following the celebration on the 23rd, the IMPACTS Industry Conference & Exhibition themed "Intelligent, Green, Safe" was successfully held on November 24th under the guidance and support of the Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang, the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang, Hangzhou Municipal government and relevant bureaus.
Mr. Zhang Dengfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Binjiang High-tech District and Mr. Li Min, Deputy Director of the Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang delivered opening speeches, extending congratulations and expressing high expectations for SUPCON to seize the opportunities presented by the digital economy development, and contribute to achieving technological self-sufficiency and deepening digital transformation of the national manufacturing industry.
At the plenary session themed "Sustainable High-Quality Development in the Digital Era", Mr. Li Peigen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology delivered a report titled "Surpass the Advanced with AI Assistance". He emphasized the huge potential of applying generative AI in design, where AI will play a leading role, with only essential human guidance. He believes this shift is expected to bring more sense of order and optimization chances to manufacturing activities.
Mr. Qian Feng, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor at East China University of Science and Technology delivered a report titled "Integration of Digital Reality to Facilitate Digital Transformation of Traditional Raw Materials Industry". He highlighted the significance of production chain, supply chain and value chain enhancing synergy with intelligent applications, involving AI decision-making assistance, autonomous operation, smart HSE management, etc. This will contribute to achieving green, low-carbon, high-quality and resources & energy effective production.
Mr. Bob Gill, General Manager of ARC Advisory Group Southeast Asia, delivered a speech under the title "Digital Transformation Trends in the Process Industries". He highlighted the significance of digital technologies in terms of building new business models and new capabilities, pointing out that the modern control systems can be enablers of the digital transformation. We should take the advantages of emerging technologies from both IT and OT, increase agility, flexibility and resilience to retain a competitive advantage.
Mr. George Cui Shan, Chairman and CEO of SUPCON Technology, presented the keynote speech "Exploration & Practice of Intelligent Plant in Process Industries". He emphasized the necessity of traditional enterprises to enhance automation, digitization and intelligent transformation, and introduced SUPCON "1+2+N" Smart Enterprise Architecture, representing 1 plant operating system, 2 automation (process automation and business automation), and N industrial Apps. The plant operating system serves as the "data base", integrating with the intelligent Operation Management & Control system (OMC) as the "control base," the Advanced Process Engineering eXpert (APEX) as the "model base," and Perception of all Readable Instruments, Devices and Equipment (PRIDE) as the "perception base", the plant wide interconnection is set. All assets and all data become one piece like the skin and the nerves system of the enterprise, enabling the production process and business operation to be measurable, controllable and predictable.
The whitepaper titled "Insights into Future Plant Trends in Process Industries" jointly authored by the China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization, Petro-Cyber Works Information Technology and SUPCON Technology, was officially released at the conference. It is to address the core concerns of the process industries such as oil & gas, petrochemicals, chemical, power, non-ferrous metals, iron & steel, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, etc. The whitepaper combs through the priorities and painpoints, summarizes typical approaches and practical implementation paths, provides insights into the evolving trends of future plant, and systematically outlines the implementation elements of Intelligent Plant Process Automation (PA)+Business Automation (BA).
At the following panel discussion themed "Integrating Digital Technologies in Traditional Industries, Advancing Together in the New Era", influential figures including Mr. Zhu Sendi, Emeritus Director of Expert Committee of the China Machinery Industry Federation, Mr. Pang Guanglian, Vice Secretary General of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Mr. Wang Zizong, Vice Chief Engineer and General Manager of SINOPEC Information and Digital Transformation Management Department, Ms. Cai Lianchun, Global Vice President of SK geo centric, Mr. Hu Baishan, Vice Chairman and President of Zhejiang NHU, and Mr. George Cui Shan, Chairman and CEO of SUPCON Technology, shared their approaches and practices around China's new-type industrialization thrust. They delved into the crucial topics such as the new-quality productivity, intelligent manufacturing, artificial intelligence, sustainable development, low-carbon practices, global business layouts, etc. The sparkling discussions provided in-depth analysis of the current industrial situation and prospected trends of the future development, calling for wide and deep collaboration towards high-quality sustainable development.
The afternoon featured 4 parallel sessions focusing on smart manufacturing, ecological co-construction, low-carbon buildings, and industrial control chips respectively. The distinguished guests included frontline experts, scholars and representatives from high-profile institutes, organizations and enterprises including MIIT, ITEI, Jiangsu Association of Automation, NAMUR, OPAF, CNPC, Tongkun Group, Daikin Fluorochemical, Luzhou Laojiao Group, Hobre Instruments, Petro-Cyber Works Information Technology, DMS Corporation, EPEC, Lenovo, ABB Measurement & Analytics China, Rockwell Automation China, Dahua Technology, Alibaba Group, ARC Advisory Group, TTWisdom, gongkong Data Technology, etc.
Concurrent with the conference, SUPCON and nearly 20 ecological partners showcased the products, solutions, technologies and success stories focusing on automation, digitization and intelligent plant at the exhibition.
Reflecting on the vibrant hues of the past and casting a gaze into the light of the future, SUPCON is poised to ride the dynamic tides and set sail towards the next glory hand in hand with the esteemed global partners.
Media Enquiries:
Meifang Wang
Source: SUPCON
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