[PRNewswrie] Shanting explores wisdom and beauty of traditional culture

보도자료 원문 2023. 9. 30. 17:43
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-- Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall is opened in Shanting

ZAOZHUANG, China Sept 28, 2023 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Shanting District Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall, along with a local handicrafts display area, officially opened recently in Shanting district of Zaozhuang city in Shandong province.

Featuring display, shopping, research and development, start-up incubation and field trips, the exhibition hall covers an area of about 500 square meters and acquired a total investment of more than 2 million yuan ($272,600).

More than 40 intangible cultural heritage items are displayed in the exhibition hall, including ceramic art, shadow puppetry, Qinshu opera, clay figurines and iron art.

Some 20 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage donated over 120 pieces of artworks to the exhibition hall.

The opening of exhibition hall showcases local craftsmen's ingenious creativity and skills. As a new calling card in Shanting district, the exhibition hall will play a crucial role in cultural inheritance and regional development.

Source: Publicity Department of the CPC Zaozhuang Shanting District Committee

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