[AsiaNet] High-quality Construction of Airport Expansion Project in Nanning

보도자료 원문 2023. 9. 29. 23:24
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-- National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area expedites the project to meet corporate needs

AsiaNet 100380

NANNING, China Sept 28, 2023 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- In recent days, construction of T3 and support facilities at Nanning Wuxu International Airport is progressing steadily ahead in full steam. To overcome problems encountered during the airport expansion process, head of the National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area's "leadership group for expediting solutions of corporate needs" arrived at the front line on September 9 to study and determine solutions for rerouting of roadways, repairs of water channels and other construction issues. Companies have lauded the high quality and high efficiency of the Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area.

With a total investment of 19.8 billion yuan, the Nanning Wuxu International Airport T3 and support facilities construction project aims to build a brand-new terminal 432,000 square meters in area, along with relevant facilities designed to handle an annual passenger throughput of 34 million person/times. The Nanning Wuxu International Airport T3 and support facilities construction project will play a significantly role in Guangxi's establishment of the new western land-sea corridor, integration into the joint development of the Belt and Road, economic cooperation with RCEP nations in a high-quality manner, contribution to the formation of a China-ASEAN community of common destiny, and endeavor in serving and incorporating into the new development pattern. Yang Jun, head of the Command Department of the Nanning Airport Group, indicates: "Since this year, staff from the Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area have provided numerous assistance in coordinating the resolution of issues in the airport expansion project. Their help has been instrumental in ensuring steady progress of the airport expansion project, and we truly appreciate their passionate and highly efficient services." It has been known that 4.383 billion yuan in investment for airport expansion has been completed since project commencement.

Source: National Nanning Economic & Technological Development Area Management Committee

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