[PRNewswire] Winners of $10 Million Prize to be Announced
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-- Innovation in Desalination winners will be announced in Jeddah
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia Sept 28, 2023 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- Under the patronage of His Excellency Eng. Abdulrahman Abdulmohsen A. AlFadley, Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, the Global Prize for Innovation in Desalination (GPID) winners will be announced at the Innovation Driven Desalination Conference. The conference attracts specialists and experts in the water sector from around the world and will take place in Jeddah from September 30 to October 3.
GPID is in line with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030 and aims to support and encourage innovative desalination solutions. More than 105 participants from research centers and universities, entrepreneurs, and representatives of national, regional, and global desalination companies are competing for the $10 million prize.
Their projects aim to reduce energy usage, minimize capital and operating expenses, incorporate modern technologies, change business models, and advance analytical studies that promote innovation. The winning entries will be chosen based on their potential to shape the future of the desalination sector.
GPID is sponsored by the Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) with a strong commitment to pioneering solutions and technological advancements. The sponsorship showcases SWCC's position as a true world leader in innovation and knowledge and as the primary advocate for creating an environment within the desalination industry, that nourishes the conception, progress, and execution of such initiatives.
With such an active and broad engagement from global companies and individuals with creative ideas, GPID aims to contribute to spreading the culture of innovation in the water sector and transform it into a culture of work and practice that enhances our readiness for the future.
SWCC is committed to promoting and encouraging innovative and sustainable development efforts and is pleased to endorse the local companies that have contributed to this prize, including Mutlaq Al Ghowairi for Contracting, Rawafid Industrial, Saudi Services for Electro Mechanic Works (SSEM), AlSharif Group, Al-Fanar, and Al-Rashed.
Organizers of GPID assigned a committee of experts to judge and evaluate contestants based on prize criteria and ensure essential governance requirements were met.
Source: Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC)
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