[AsiaNet] Agri high-tech fair to be held in China's agri sci-tech hub Yangling
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AsiaNet 100328
YANGLING, China Sept 14, 2023 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- The 30th China Yangling Agri High-Tech Fair will kick off in the agricultural sci-tech hub Yangling City in west China's Shaanxi Province on September 19, with an event focus on soil health and food security.
With a total exhibition area of more than 100,000 square meters, the fair has attracted more than 1,500 exhibitors from 49 countries and regions. More than 9,000 new sci-tech achievements, the most advanced new agriculture-related equipment and the most practical new agricultural technologies will be displayed in the fair, according to the Organizing Committee.
During the five-day event, 11 activities will also be held, including the Global Soil Health Forum 2023 and the China-Central Asia Agriculture Ministers' Meeting.
Experts from the United States, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Columbia and other countries will exchange views and share policies, technologies and experiences in the field of soil health in a joint effort to protect soil health and address global challenges.
The agri high-tech fair will also go abroad for the first time by setting up an exhibition area in the China Shaanxi Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center of SCO Agricultural Base in Uzbekistan, the guest of honor, to display agricultural technology and specialty agricultural products, agricultural machinery and equipment, and biomedicine.
People from all over the world can also carry out activities such as online exhibition, livestreaming, online negotiations, management services and promotion through digital formats such as 3D virtual tour of sand tables and VR exhibition hall.
China Yangling Agri High-Tech Fair, was founded in 1994 and is one of the largest and most influential comprehensive agricultural sci-tech exhibitions in China.
Over the past 30 years, it has attracted tens of thousands of agriculture-related enterprises and scientific and educational institutions from over 70 countries and regions around the world, and more than 33 million attendees.
The fair has seen the display of over 180,000 projects and products, and the publishing of more than 12,600 sci-tech achievements and patents, registering a cumulative investment and transaction volume of more than 1 trillion yuan.
Source: The Organizing Committee of China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair
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