[PRNewswire] Tsinghua University Launches 'International Joint Mission on
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In his speech on "Cooperate to Address Climate Change and Build a Better Homeland for Mankind", Qiu pointed out that climate change and carbon neutrality are major issues that everybody faces. "Facing a serious climate crisis, Tsinghua has promoted the initiative of the International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality."
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Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality' to Demonstrate Environmental Commitment
(BEIJING, March 21, 2023 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Tsinghua University [https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/ ] launched the "International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality" lately, demonstrating its commitment to protecting the environment. Tsinghua and 11 international corporations-Hitachi, Toyota, MHI, bp, Rio Tinto, Volkswagen, Microsoft, IHI, Daikin, Apple, and Saudi Aramco acted as sponsors for an environmental initiative during the event. Qiu Yong, Tsinghua University Council chairman, and Tu Ruihe, head of the UNEP China Office, were in attendance. Liu Yiqun, dean of Tsinghua's Research & Development Affairs Office, presided over the launch ceremony.
In his speech on "Cooperate to Address Climate Change and Build a Better Homeland for Mankind", Qiu pointed out that climate change and carbon neutrality are major issues that everybody faces. "Facing a serious climate crisis, Tsinghua has promoted the initiative of the International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality."
Qiu emphasized that a world-class university should have a world-class mission, play a leading role in addressing climate change, and make contributions with hard-core technologies. "Let us take action to prove our firm belief in the bright future of mankind, promote international cooperation on climate change and carbon neutrality, and continue to contribute to the construction of a beautiful homeland for mankind," said Qiu.
Tu said in his speech that the earth is the only home for mankind, commenting that the basis for progress and success in global environmental governance is to adhere to multilateralism and the spirit of international cooperation, and that climate change affects the entire planet, and affects everyone who inhabits it.
Tu also called on all parties to take urgent and more effective action to implement the goals that have already been achieved and looked forward to fruitful results from the initiative.
The international academia paid great attention on the Joint Mission. Toshiya Ueki, executive vice president of Tohoku University, and Nigel Brandon, dean of Imperial College London's Faculty of Engineering, congratulated the ceremony via video, saying they look forward to fighting climate change with international partners.
Tu and Qiu awarded the "Council Member Cup" for 12 co-initiators of the Joint Mission.
Council members recorded videos affirming the Joint Mission's value and anticipating its strengthening dissemination of green ideas, cultivation of carbon-neutral talents, and innovation of technology to provide practical solutions to global climate change and realize the international community's carbon-neutral vision.
The International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality Proposal was released during the ceremony. It has five main joint elements: publicizing carbon neutrality, cultivating experts in the field, leading carbon-neutral technological innovations, integrative demonstrations of carbon neutrality practice, and promoting industry transition to carbon neutrality. It urges organizations to collaborate on energy savings, emission reduction, technological innovation, industrial transformation, and carbon neutrality.
The Joint Mission released its first 10 innovative scientific research funding projects at the ceremony. Twelve relevant experts and scholars were invited to form an expert committee to advise on research and major academic activities and oversee project implementation. Tsinghua Vice President Zeng Rong and He Kebin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and dean of the Institute for Carbon Neutrality, Tsinghua University, presented appointment letters to the expert committee members on behalf of all Joint Mission governing units.
Source: Tsinghua University
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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