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Presenting at the NGT 75 Series launch, Mr Robert Artibise, R&D Vice President of UNILIA under REFIRE GROUP, said: "The choice of materials enables ELECTRA to be a reliable and compact product that fits the required form factor of GreenGT's NGT 75 system series. The precise configuration is tailored to the high specification use cases of GreenGT's niche customers".
Announcing the project publicly for the first time, Xu said: "We're thrilled to be sharing at FC Expo what we've been working on in Hong Kong for the past two years, as here we are surrounded by global hydrogen technology experts. APAS aims to create technical solutions for smart mobility and green energy. Key to this is to solve current problems relating to storage, refuelling, and the variety of use cases for hydrogen energy in transport and power in one of the densest cities in the world. We want to share these solutions with regulators and industry for faster hydrogen-electric energy adoption".
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(TOKYO, March 17, 2023 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) REFIRE Group, the world's leading deployer of commercial hydrogen fuel cell technologies, unveiled its latest heavy-duty fuel-cell system PRISMA XXII at Tokyo's FC Expo. At the world's leading hydrogen technology fair, REFIRE joined its worldwide partners to showcase a range of hydrogen fuel cell products and application cases.
REFIRE Vice President, International Markets, Ms Audrey Ma discussed the potential of PRISMA XXII at FC Expo: "PRISMA XXII will be a special product as it gets customers a big step closer to cost parity with diesel vehicles. It's also versatile in heavy-duty use cases with its power and all-weather and elevation operational envelope".
PRISMA XXII hydrogen fuel cell system breaks new ground within the existing line-up of products. Its 160kW to 220kW power range output is a major increase from siblings in the PRISMA product line.
REFIRE and Swiss fuel cell veteran integrator GreenGT S.A. (GreenGT) jointly presented to launch GreenGT's NGT 75 Series of fuel cell systems, powered by REFIRE-supplied, UNILIA-branded ELECTRA stacks. Shortly after its launch in 2021, the stack was awarded the world's first Performance Certification from independent testing body TUV Rheinland. To date, over 3,000 UNILIA stacks have been integrated into fuel cell-powered vehicles and power products.
Presenting at the NGT 75 Series launch, Mr Robert Artibise, R&D Vice President of UNILIA under REFIRE GROUP, said: "The choice of materials enables ELECTRA to be a reliable and compact product that fits the required form factor of GreenGT's NGT 75 system series. The precise configuration is tailored to the high specification use cases of GreenGT's niche customers".
Hong Kong green mobility R&D think tank , APAS (Automotive Platforms and Application Systems) together with REFIRE, unveiled Hong Kong's first fuel cell-electric vehicle charging prototype and off-grid power unit. Powered by a REFIRE fuel cell system, the 32kW device is not only a first for the city but will also support the Hong Kong government's plan to become carbon neutral by 2050.
APAS Deputy Head, Green Transportation, Mr Ralph Xu, and REFIRE Vice President, International Markets, Ms Audrey Ma, unveiled the project together at Tokyo's FC Expo.
Announcing the project publicly for the first time, Xu said: "We're thrilled to be sharing at FC Expo what we've been working on in Hong Kong for the past two years, as here we are surrounded by global hydrogen technology experts. APAS aims to create technical solutions for smart mobility and green energy. Key to this is to solve current problems relating to storage, refuelling, and the variety of use cases for hydrogen energy in transport and power in one of the densest cities in the world. We want to share these solutions with regulators and industry for faster hydrogen-electric energy adoption".
Ma said: "Even though the project is a proof of concept, it underlines the feasibility of safely deploying hydrogen-electric power in one of the world's densest cities. Moreover, it opens up a path to alleviate the problem of land and infrastructure required for charging commercial vehicles between shifts. Hydrogen-electric chargers can now operate fully off-grid".
REFIRE made its FC Expo, Tokyo, debut in 2018. Since launching in 2005, the event has been the world's largest international exhibition and conference focusing on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technologies. Production, transportation, storage, and use cases for hydrogen energy are all represented at the event.
Source: REFIRE
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