aj LB 2023. 3. 16. 05:30
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Liberians commemorate 214th Birth Anniversary of JJ Roberts, the country's first president

epa10524986 Liberian Education Minister, Professor Ansu D. Sonii Sr. (C) attends an event to mark the 214th birth anniversary of Joseph Jenkins Roberts in Monrovia, Liberia, 15 March 2023. The 15th of March is observed anually as a national holiday to commemorate the birth anniversary of Liberia's first president, Joseph Jenkins Roberts. A black nationalist during the American slavery, Joseph Roberts immigrated to Liberia, at age 20, in 1829, when the country was considered as a settlement for free slaves by the America Colonization Society (ACS). Roberts, was born in Petersburg, Virginia, USA, and became Liberia's first president, after the declaration of independence in 26 July 1847, and re-elected again in 1872, as Liberia's seventh president. Joseph Jenkins Roberts died in February 1876. EPA/AHMED JALLANZO

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