kl PRO 2023. 1. 26. 22:01
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Zulu believers walk miles to ascend sacred hilltop for annual pilgrimage

epa10430996 A member of the Shembe Church holds a copy of the Shembe 'Bible' during the annual Nazareth Baptist Church, (Shembe Church) pilgrimage near Durban, South Africa, 07 January 2023. On a hilltop in KwaZulu Natal in South Africa, thousands of members of the Nazareth Baptist Church gather for their annual pilgrimage. Known as the Nhlangakazi Holy Mountain, this sacred site is also the culmination of a 50km journey these predominantly Zulu pilgrims have made by foot, some coming from as far as the city of Durban, on South Africa?s east coast.

After walking barefoot up the hill for the final leg of their trip, the pilgrims gather on the holy hilltop, the sound of their soothing hymns carrying through the breeze as they sit in prayer. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK For the full Focus text on this story, please go to

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