[AsiaNet] Deals Worth Tens of Billions RMB Yuan Signed in Xilingol League in

보도자료 원문 2022. 12. 8. 11:05
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Autumn and Winter

AsiaNet 99130

(XILINGOL LEAGUE, China, Dec. 8, 2022 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) Recently, Xilingol League held the 2022 Autumn and Winter - Xilingol League Investment Attraction and Promotion Meeting, which focused on 7 fields with special characteristics such as demonstration applications for the absorption of new energy and witnessed deals signed for 25 projects in total.

With the "cloud" as a medium and the "Internet" as a bridge, the promotion meeting publicized the advantageous geographical location, abundant resources, excellent investment environment, and a series of preferential policies to chambers of commerce and entrepreneurs in and outside the region, forming connections with enterprises on the "cloud" and bringing an upsurge in attracting investment and promoting development in winter.

Since the start of 2022, Xilingol League has made concerted efforts to push forward investment attraction, focusing on extending, supplementing and strengthening chains of advantageous industries in the key fields of investment attraction such as green husbandry, clean energy, and strategic emerging industries. By holding a series of themed investment attraction and promotion campaigns such as the aluminum-based new material investment attraction and promotion meeting successively, Xilingol League has signed cooperation agreements with many leading enterprises such as Beijing Energy Holding Co., Ltd., with deals worth over 260 billion yuan signed for 126 investment attraction projects cumulatively, to provide crucial support for expanding the modern industrial system and promoting high-quality development across the league.

In the future, Xilingol League will steadily follow the orientation of prioritizing ecological protection and pursuing green development, keep taking the key measures of investment attraction and project development to promote high-quality development, formulate scientific plans, and make reasonable arrangements, according to the Publicity Department of the CPC Xilingol League Committee. To be specific, Xilingol League will make more efforts to attract projects, provide better services for the development of projects, and take more practical measures to manage projects, to continuously inject new blood and new impetus into the economic development of Xilingol League, and provide strong support for stabilizing growth, pursuing development, adjusting structure, and promoting transformation.

Source: Publicity Department of the CPC Xilingol League Committee

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